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This page deals with technical problems and questions that are related to "The Journey II". The game has been thoroughly tested before its release, if you have a problem with it, please contact us and we will gladly help you!

  1. How to install the game?
  2. Do I have to pay for the location tracking?
  3. How can I remove the game again?
  4. How much free space does the game require?

Below are the answers to the questions:

  • How to install the game?
    Install the game as described in the manual of your mobile phone. Several ways should be possible:
    * Install the game directly using the data suite that came with your phone, with the connectivity method you prefer (Data cable / Bluetooth / Infrared).
    * Send the .sis file to your phone using Bluetooth or Infrared and install it from the messaging inbox.
  • Do I have to pay for the location tracking?
    No, you don't. Location tracking does not cost you anything and doesn't generate any traffic on the operator's network. In fact, nobody except you will know that you're playing the game because it only uses standard phone information that's always available in an innovative way to find out when you're moving to a different cell of the mobile phone network. You can read more about it on the "How does it work?" page.
  • How can I remove the game again?
    Go to the manager application, find the game in the list and press the Delete ("c")-key on your keyboard.
  • How much free space does the game require?
    The game will require about 400kB on your mobile phone, as it contains a very large amount of text, pictures and several sounds. It can be installed to the memory card.

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The Journey II